Finance, Shopping and Services

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: studak
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 28.01.2012
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 704 slov
Počet zobrazení: 16 321
Tlačení: 604
Uložení: 726

Finance, Shopping and Services


· The world of finance is based on money; they are used for buying goods and for measuring value

· there was system of barter in primitive societies – it was direct exchange of goods

· people needed more practical system, so they developed system based on valuable goods, like cattle, shells, teeth, feather, salt… they used it as a money

· later the valuable goods were replaced with precious metals, because they were portable, durable, recognizable and divisible into smaller or larger units of value

· The  metals are formed into the coins, it has numbers showing their value, there are 2 possible values of coins:
o metallic value – exact value of the metal from which is the coin made, metallic value was used until 18th century
o nominal value – the modern coins have the value which the government choose to give them, it doesn´t depend on the value of metal

· The coins have been made of gold, silver, copper, aluminum, nickel, zinc and in China  even from pressed tea leaves, nowadays are most of the coins made of steel and nickel

· Paper money  – modern form of money, it´s easier to handle them, they are more convenient, usually there is a portrait of president or other important personality from the country where is the banknote used, and the number which symbolizes the value of banknote

· Cheques and credit cards – they are used more and more often, for example there are places in USA where cash isn´t accepted during the night for security reasons


· Type of money used in specific country
· The most of the members of European Union have Euro, only 3 original countries have their original currency (GB – pound – strong and traditional, Sweden and Denmark – crown – because of trading with Norway)

Bank Account

· When you are opening an account in England, you need two references (you must bring the names and addresses of 2 people and these people are asked to write short reference), then you can open your account with only 1 pound.
· 2 people can open an account together (joint account)
· When you are opening an account in Czech Republic, you don´t need any references, only you identity card and at least 200 crowns as a starting deposit.
· Bank will ask for an example of your signature (for verification)
· There are various types of account:

A current account – used for handling your finances, you will get credit card for withdrawing cash

A deposit account – used for saving money, the interest you will get is bigger than the interest of current account

· When you want to withdraw your money, you can go to the bank or you withdraw them from cash point: you insert your card, select the language, enter your PIN, select the amount you want to withdraw, you can choose if you want a receipt and then you take the money and our credit card back.
· If you lost a credit card you have to call the bank and block the account

Shopping and Services

There are many different kinds of shop and we can choose where we will do our shopping.
We can go to:

· Department store – large building which includes many smaller shops, we can buy there almost every kind of product, like food, furniture, home appliances, electronics, books…we can also go to restaurant there

· Supermarket –form of grocery store, it offers a wide variety of food and household goods

· Specialized shops – smaller, they offer one kind of goods
o greengrocers – the shop where we buy fruit and vegetables
o grocery – small shop with food and household goods
o butcher – meat
o Bakery – bread, rolls, cakes…
o Stationary – paper, envelopes, pens
o Bookshop
o Dairy – milk products
o Chemist´s – cosmetics, household goods
o Pharmacy – medicaments and drugs
o Jewelry
o Clothes shops (various brands: Addidas, Nike, United colors of Benetton)
o Shoes shop
o Bookstall – newspapers, magazines

· Services

o hairdresser – we can have our hair cut
o post office – we can send a letter or package
o Bank – we can open an account; withdraw money, deposit money…
o library – we can borrow books
o restaurants – we can have meals
o optician – we can have our sight checked and buy suitable glasses
o travel agency – we can choose a trip

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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