Trading companies – Public company, Commandant company, company limited by shares and unlimitied company

Spoločenské vedy » Ekonómia

Autor: 25258
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 17.05.2022
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 112 slov
Počet zobrazení: 774
Tlačení: 67
Uložení: 79

Trading companies – Public company, Commandant company, company limited by shares and unlimitied company

This project be concerned with followed topics:

  1. What are trading companies
  2. What is business
  3. What is register of companies
  4. Characteristics of trading companies

Characteristics is consisted with followed items:

  1. constitution of company
  2. arising of company
  3. business name
  4. liability
  5. basic capital
  6. institutions of company
  7. accumulated surplus
  8. approbation profit
  9. cancelation of company and expiry of company

What is business?

Business has followed characteristics:

  1. The main aim of business is achieving of profit.
  2. Business is an activity which is performed responsibly.
  3. Business is an activity which is performed independently
  4. Business is an activity which is performed permanently

What is register of companies

Register of companies is a public register of natural and legal people. These people want have a business or self-employment.

Characteristics of trading companies

Trading company is a legal person. The main mission of trading company is a business.

Division of trading companies

Trading companies divide of

  1. Capital trading companies

Types of capital trading companies are company limited by shares and unlimited company.

  1. Personal trading companies

Types of personal trading companies are public company and commandant company

Public company

Characteristics of public company

Public company is a personal trading company. Minimal number of partners are two. 

  1. Constitution of company

Public company is established with social contract or founding registry. 

  1. Arising of company

The main requirement of arising of public company is a record to register of companies. 

  1. Business name

Name of public company is consisted with name of public company or name and surname of self-employee. 

  1. Liability of company

Liability of public company is with fool your property.

  1. Basic capital

Characteristic of basic capital

Basic capital is consisted with financial and material shares. 

Basic capital of public company is not compulsory and shares of partners are minimal.

  1. Institutions of company

Management of public company is managed with all partners. Institutions of public company don´t constitute. Some public companies have statutory. These partners for statutory need one vote.

  1. Accumulated surplus

Accumulated surplus of public company is not compulsory.

  1. Approbation profit

Approbation profit between partners is same.

  1. Cancelation of public company and expiry of public company

Public company expires with erasing from registry of companies. 

Public company cancels with liquidation or without liquidation.

Commandant company

Characteristics of commandant company

Commandant company is a personnel trading company which has two types of partners ( limited partners and general partners.

  1. Constitution of company

Commandant company is established with social contract.

  1. Arising of company

Commandant company arises with record to the registry of companies.

  1. Business name

Business name is consisted with name of company and name of legal form of commandant company. 

  1. Liability of commandant company

Liability of commandant company is different. Limited partners liable with fool your property, general partners liable to unpaid shares.

  1. Institutions of company

Limited partners create a statutory.

  1. Accumulated surplus

Accumulated surplus of commandant company is not compulsory. 

  1. Basic capital

Basic capital of limited partners is not compulsory, basic capital of general partners is 250 euro.

  1. Approbation of profit

Approbation of profit between limited partners is same, approbation of profit between general partners is to unpaid share.

  1. Cancelation of commandant company and expiry of commandant company

Commandant company expires with erasing from registry of companies.

Commandant company cancels with liquidation or without liquidation.

Company limited by shares

Characteristics of company limited by shares

Company limited by shares is a capital company. Maximal number of partners is 50.

  1. Constitution of company

Company with one partner is constituted by founder registry, company with many partners is constituted by community contract. 

  1. Arising of company

Company limited by shares arises with record to the registry of companies.

  1. Business name

Business name is consisted of name of company and legal form of business.

  1. Institutions of company

Institutions of company are a statutory, general meeting of shareholders and supervisor.

  1. Accumulated surplus

Accumulated surplus is compulsory, share of accumulated surplus is 5-10 percents of basic capital.

  1. Basic capital

Compulsory basic capital is 5000 euro, minimal share of company limited by shares is 750 euro. It must be paid 30 percents of basic capital and 50 percents of shares before record to the registry of companies.

  1. Approbation of profit

Approbation of profit is to the unpaid share.

  1. Cancelation of company and expiry of company

Company limited by shares expires with erasing from registry of companies.

Company limited by shares cancels with liquidation or without liquidation.

Unlimited company

Characteristics of unlimited company

Unlimited company is a capital company which is constituted with 2 natural people and 1 legal person.

Characteristics of shares

Shares are specific type of stocks. These stocks are proprietary rights of shareholders.

 Division of shares

  • Shared coupons

Shared coupons consist of a specific share of property.

  • Owner´s capital

Owner´ s capital introduces a basic rights. The most important right is a participant for management of company. 

  • Priority shares

Priority shares are a priority rights for owning of dividend.

  1. Constitution of company

Company with one partner is constituted by founder registry, company with many partners is constituted by community contract. Very specific item of constitution of company is a subscribe of share or without subscribe of share.

  • Subscribe of share

Partners have not unpaid basic capital and they must help with subscribe of share.

  • Without subscribe of share

Partners have paid basic capital and they must not help with subscribe of share.

  1. Arising of company

Unlimited company arises with record to the registry of companies. 

  1. Business name

Business name is consisted of name of company and legal form of business.

  1. Liability

Unlimited company liable with fool your property, partners mustn´t liable.

  1. Institutions of unlimited company

Institutions of unlimited company are a board of directors , general meeting of shareholders and supervisor.

  • Board of directors

Board of directors is a statutory of company which has 3 and more members.

  • General meeting of shareholders

General meeting of shareholders holds a meeting once a year. 

  • Supervisor

Supervisor is a control institution of company which has 3 and more members. This institution controls a board of directors. 

  1. Accumulated surplus

Accumulated surplus is 10 percents of basic capital and 10 percents of net profit. 

  1. Approbation of profit

Approbation of profit of unlimited company has a specific naming. Approbation of profit of shareholders is called a dividend and approbation of profit of board of directors and supervisors is called a residual.

  1. Basic capital

It must be paid 30 percents of shares and fool basic capital before record to the registry of companies.

  1. Cancelation of company and expiry of company

Unlimited company expires with erasing from registry of companies

Unlimited company cancels with liquidation or without liquidation.

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Diskusia: Trading companies – Public company, Commandant company, company limited by shares and unlimitied company

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