Vzor životopisu v anglickom jazyku

Pomôcky » Žiadosti

Autor: ninuska (19)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 11.04.2022
Jazyk: Slovenčina
Rozsah: 164 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 306
Tlačení: 103
Uložení: 110

Vzor životopisu v anglickom jazyku


Name: Ing. Lucia Kováčová

Address: Petrská 29, 851 05 Bratislava

Phone number: 421 0905 777 xyz

E-mail: kovacovalucia@abcdef.xy


2001-2007 University of Economics, Bratislava 1996-2001 Gymnázium Einsteinova, Bratislava

Additional information on education

1998-2000 German language course, Eduko

1996-1997 Middle school internship programm, USA, California

Employment history

2004-2006 Firma, spol. s r. o.

Job position: Sales representative

Job description: Sale our products and services

2000-2004 ABC, a.s.

Job position: Receptionist

Job description: Running reception and administration

Language skills

English - advanced French - intermediate German - intermediate

Computer skills

Adobe PageMaker - expert Internet (e-mail, www) - advanced FrontPage - basic

Microsoft Access - basic Microsoft Excel - basic Microsoft Outlook - advanced

Microsoft PowerPoint - advenced Microsoft Word - expert

Driving licence

B category - 30 000 km

Characteristics and hobbies

I am a communicative, flexible, creative and responsible person. I like working with people. I enjoy travelling and learning new things, meeting new people.


Place, date Signature

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Pomôcky » Žiadosti

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