Motivation letter for study abroad (Erasmus)

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Autor: miruska (19)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 17.07.2022
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 405 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 530
Tlačení: 158
Uložení: 131

Motivation letter for study abroad (Erasmus)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am very much interested in enrolling as an Erasmus student at the University in Zagreb during the winter semester of next academic year.

I am currently studying in my third year in the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications at the University of Žilina (Slovakia). My department is Economics and Management.

There are several reasons why I have decided to apply for the Erasmus study program at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. First, it would definitely be a very effective way to improve my English.I know that today languages are very important for my future career and the best way to learn a language is to talk with people and to learn in this language.

I am really attracted to the possibility of living and studying in a country that is unknown to me, but at the same time attractive to me. I want to get to know the Croatia, get to know their culture, traditions and language. Your university would give me a chance to meet new European students. Where else could I meet a so varied group of young students, spend long time and get to know their habits, attitudes and lifestyle. I think living, studying, travelling and enjoying companionship with an international group of students would broaden my horizons and enable me to build friendships with young people within the whole of Europe.

I am a social type of person and I am able to work alone but also as part of a team. I can adapt to new situations, I make friends easily and I enjoy learning new things, but at the same time I am one who is serious, responsible, independent and dynamic. I am sure that this opportunity will allow me to broaden my perspective and contribute to my personal development by expanding my knowledge and widening my experience gained by residence and study at your university. So, I consider it both a challenge and an opportunity to explore and identify ways of improving myself. My English skills currently are not best but I have strong determination and the courage to study abroad and to work on myself.

So, I am hopeful that you would consider me a qualified candidate for this program due to my strong motivation and interest.

Thank you for considering my application and your time.
Yours faithfully,

Your Name

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