Unemployment – Characteristics, Criterions, Division, Measurement, Consequences

Spoločenské vedy » Ekonómia

Autor: 25258
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 20.02.2022
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 754 slov
Počet zobrazení: 719
Tlačení: 74
Uložení: 94

Unemployment – Characteristics, Criterions, Division, Measurement, Consequences

Characteristic of labour market

Labour market is a place where labour demand and labour supply meet.

Labour market is a place where potential employees and employers have got an agreement about reward. This reward is called a wage.

Characteristic of unemployment

Unemployment is an economical phenomenon when economical productive people want employ but they can´t.

Criterions of unemployed person

  1. Unemployed person doesn´t receive an income from employment.
  2. This person is able working ( this person has got a productive age or this person has got a good state of health.
  3. This person is active in finding of job

Division of unemployment

Division of unemployment according to reason

  • Frictional unemployment

Frictional unemployment is a situation when economical productive people lose a job because of new life´s situation.

Frictional unemployment is a situation when economical productive people don´t like a job.

  • Seasonal unemployment

The best example for seasonal unemployment are employees from ski resorts. These employees have to find a job during the summer because it isn´t snowy weather.

  • Cyclical unemployment

This type of employment exists because of economical cycle. Phases of business cycle are recession, expansion, conjuncture and bottom.

  • Structural unemployment

Structural unemployment exists because of disequilibrium between labour demand and labour supply. 

Division of structural unemployment

  • Abundance of working places

Abundance of working places is a situation when employers able to create a working places but potential employees are not interested for working places.

  • Default of working places

Default of working places is a situation when employers aren´t able to create a working places but potential employees are interested for working places.

  • Technological unemployment

Technological unemployment is a situation when technology is costingnessed. This type of employment has got a long-time character. This unemployment is an unemployment from deficient increasing. 

  • Chronically unemployment

Chronically unemployment is a situation when unemployed people employee for a short time but these people lose your job because of defaulting of work discipline.

Division of unemployment according to time

  • Short-time unemployment

Short-time unemployment is an unemployment which lasts from three to six months.

  • Middle-time unemployment

Middle-time unemployment is an unemployment which lasts from six to twelve months.

  • Long-time unemployment

Long-time unemployment is an unemployment which lasts more than twelve months

  • Very long-time unemployment

Very-long time unemployment is an unemployment which lasts more than twenty-four months.

Division of unemployment according to phenomenal site

  • Hidden unemployment

Hidden unemployment is a situation when some people are not in register of unemployed jobseekers. These people are not in statistics of unemployed jobseekers. 

  • Incomplete unemployment

Incomplete unemployment is a situation when some people work in part-time jobs. These people are example disabled people or parents in maternity and parental leave.

  • Lied unemployment

This type of unemployment is an opposite of hidden unemployment. These people are in register of unemployed jobseekers but these people work illegally.

Measurement of unemployment

Ways of measurement of unemployment

  1. Unemployment cans measure through register of unemployed jobseekers. This type of unemployment is registered unemployment.
  2. Unemployment cans measure through surveys.

How does unemployment count

 Unemployment= unemployed jobseekers/ active economical productive population*100

Characteristics of frequency of unemployment

Frequency of unemployment is a phenomenon which measures followed parameter

 How many times does worker become an unemployed person.

Characteristics of natural unemployment rate

This unemployment is not bad for economics. Natural unemployment rate is a situation when school leavers are in register of unemployed jobseekers.

Subgroups of unemployment

  • Unemployment of people who are less than twenty-five years old
  • Unemployment of older people
  • Unemployment of diseable people
  • Unemployment of people who lost a health ability
  • Unemployment of people who care of child. This child is less than ten years old
  • Unemployment according to education. This rate shows how many workers are with primary, secondary and university education.

Two consequences of lost employment

  1. Social-economical consequences

This part of population reckons for social benefits

  1. Social-psychological consequences

This part of unemployed population has got a discrimination according to age, sex and healthy condition.

Non- state services of  employment

  • Temporary employment agencies

These temporary employment agencies prepare people for future job.

  • Social companies

Specific form of social companies are sheltered workshops. The social companies wires a diseable people to working process.

Unemployment benefit

Right to benefit exists when unemployed person worked less than two years.

Unemployed benefit counts 50 % from assessed based

Expiry of unemployment benefit

  1. Person who is not in register of unemployed people
  2. Person who died
  3. Person who has some type of pension
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Diskusia: Unemployment – Characteristics, Criterions, Division, Measurement, Consequences

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